
Do You Talk Too Much?

“Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” James 1:19

We all talk too much! What heartaches are caused, homes broken up, friends estranged, wars incited by some hasty, angry word! Much of the conflict in the world is caused by a combination of a narrow mind and a wide mouth. You will seldom get in trouble by listening, and most of us can learn more from what others say than what we have to say.

Now, of course we should talk about our Savior and tell others about His love. But we must stop the idle chatter and hasty words that so often wound those around us. Someone has remarked, “If you talk when you’re angry, you’ll make the best speech you’ll always regret.”

I have a confession to make. Many of the troubles I’ve encountered in the past I brought on myself because I opened my mouth at the wrong time. Think back in your own life and consider how much heartache was caused because you were not “swift to hear, slow to speak” (Jas. 1:19). Nothing is opened by mistake more often than the mouth.

Jesus said, “For every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment” (Mt. 12:36). Before you speak to others, ask the Lord to teach you when to speak and when to be silent. You will save yourself a lot of heartache.

There are some silent people
Whose praises should be sung;
They preach a mighty sermon
By guarding well their tongue. —Posegate

If you don’t hold your tongue, you may have to eat your words.