

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Do you ever wander what the secret is to making things happen?  Are you a person who chases after your dreams?  Do you dream outside the box?  Do your dreams merely stay dreams?  Do you even dream at all?

Dream (n.)
A strongly desired goal or purpose.
Something that fully satisfies a wish.
A visionary creation of imagination.

As a child I would dream. I would close my eyes and my world quickly transformed into pink roses, princesses, castles, and rainbows. My dreams made the impossible….possible. It was magical! Things do not seem to happen in reality, as they happen in dreams and eventually we stop dreaming altogether. “We are called to dream, but are afraid to. When we don’t act on it we become restless – restless to find purpose, to make a difference in the world, to matter. Your restlessness may very well be a divine invitation to purpose, calling, and life.” – Jeannie Allen

Ordinary people believe in the every day possibilities. I want to go beyond ordinary and experience the impossible? With God, the impossible is STILL possible…this does not just happen in fairytales.
Visualize this… GOD has placed the DESIRE within us to DREAM.

“God is a dreamer too. He built universes and generations of people out of his dreams. And God built us to dream.”