
You’re Not Leading If Nobody’s Following

“…to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.”

Ephesians 4:12 ESV

I had this thought today, “Who am I leading?” I’m taking a little inventory of the people in my life God has led me to influence. The ultimate question is whether or not anyone is following. A leader is only a leader if someone is following. Without a following, a leader is merely a roamer. 

My wife Lacey and I attended a conference once and were surprised to see individuals outside the conference each night with megaphones. They were hollering in disagreement to the leaders of the conference. It was so interesting… nobody was listening to them. We walked out of the venue, excited about what we were learning, walked to our car, and went back to our airbnb… These individuals who felt it necessary to stand at the sidewalks and yell in disagreement were accomplishing nothing more than making noise. 

God has called us to make disciples (Matthew 28:19). This is only possible when someone leads and someone follows. Who are you leading? Are you making disciples or making noise?