
Who’s the Boss

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.

Colossians 3:23-24

Time for some real talk. How many times today did you take a shortcut? Not navigationally, but in something you were doing. Did you finish all the tasks you were responsible for? How much did you procrastinate to finish tomorrow? 

I’m in the process of finishing a task that I was asked to complete quite a while ago. In doing so, my team has gotten excited about making even more improvements to raise the level of excellence in what we do each week. During the process, I ran into some pretty dust-covered equipment that has been needing organization for a long time. The Holy Spirit asked me a very subtle, but gut-wrenching question, “Are you giving me your best?” 

We never have time to get all our checklist completed in one day. My list is quite long. However, we can also find ourselves putting things off that we don’t really want to do and find that those things never getting accomplished.

What’s on your checklist? What are the things you’ve been putting off because the work is hard, dirty, or just plain irritating? When we funnel everything we do through the above scripture, the importance of prioritizing and getting things accomplished, well raises quite a bit doesn’t it? 

When you refocus your mind on who you’re working for, the job actually gets more enjoyable.