
Where’s the Love?

Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

1 John 4:8

Last weekend in Echo Kids, I taught on the significance of loving others. The truth is, we live in a time where the temperature of our culture is quite feverish. People are on edge, even within the church. It’s becoming easier to go through your day without sharing Christ’s love and making a positive impact on the people you encounter. 

Yesterday I saw a lady leaving the grocery store. The mask she was wearing said “I’m Smiling”. It was a great reminder to me of the temperature of our society today. We can’t even see people’s smiles in public. 

Last weekend I shared with an analogy with Echo Kids. I want to share it with you today. Having the love of God inside you (fyi… you have it if you’re a follower of Jesus) and not sharing it with others is like shaving without the shaving cream. You have a great gift to share. That gift brings peace and joy. But have you ever tried shaving without shaving cream? It’s not a pleasant experience. It hurts. It’s rough. You may get cut. Nobody would shave without shaving cream while they had a full can on the counter. Why then do we go through our days harboring the love of God and not sharing it?