
When Good Things Happen to Bad People

But the one who was healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had withdrawn

John 5:13a, NKJV

There’s a common question I’ve heard asked of “Why do bad things happen to good people?”. There was actually a book written with a similar title way back in 1981. It’s basically a WHY ME sort of question. But there’s an opposite question that I’ve heard through whispers in the church… WHY THEM?

The first focuses on why bad circumstances have happened to me. The second focuses on why good circumstances have happened to them, INSTEAD of me. Both are self focused, but the second is a super dangerous mindset that can secretly be setting up house in your mind right now. 

When a person does their best to live a life honoring God but still lives in lack or is “unsuccessful” in their eyes and then sees another who lives opposed to God while living in abundance, we can easily ask,  “Why them and not me?”.

The fifth chapter of the book of John begins telling of Jesus visiting an area in Jerusalem where many lame, blind and paralyzed people were laying by a pool. Jesus singled out one man and healed him. He had been paralyzed for 38 years but after time with Jesus, he picked up his mat and WALKED out of the room. Later in verse 13 it is revealed that the man didn’t even know who Jesus was. His knowledge of Jesus wasn’t what made him stand out above the others. 

Imagine for a moment being a guy in the back witnessing this interaction between the man and Jesus. Imagine immediately knowing that it was Jesus the moment he stepped into the room. You may say, “Wow, that guy doesn’t even know who he’s talking to right now. Oh what I would do to be able to just say hello.” Then you see Jesus heal the ignorant man instead of you. Why them and not me?

God doesn’t reserve His miracles for His followers! The truth is, NONE of us deserve an audience with the King. NONE of us deserve to be healed. Yet, God does it anyway. He listens anyway. He forgives anyway.