
Time For a New Thing

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

 Isaiah 43:19

We just experienced the end of 2020.  If you’re pretty honest with yourself, I’m sure you can come up with several highs of the year as well as several lows.  The year was not all bad, and it was not all good but the year itself is definitely passing away never to return.  It is time to look ahead to 2021 with our eyes on the King of Kings and give Him a chance to do a new thing in our lives. Every new year that comes around will bring with it challenges, heartaches, hope, excitement and anticipation for dreams to come.  Our circumstances will rise and fall like a roller coaster, but Jesus is a consistent source of living water in a world both green and barren, if we know how to access what He’s provided for us.  

Allow His goodness and presence to shape and transform you into something new this year, something that looks more like Him every day.