
The Ultimate Power Source

Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.  But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

John 4:13-14

I have been asking myself how to ensure I am allowing the Holy Spirit to empower me to do the things I do, instead of relying on my own strength, talents and power.  I started envisioning an old boombox like we used to see people carrying around on their shoulders in the 80’s (or at least in the 80’s movies!) The kind with two big speakers on either side of the tape deck, and it took like 8 C or D batteries to operate if you wanted to be mobile.  

God was showing me that we can be very much like that boombox.  When we choose to draw on our own strength it is like that radio using those batteries.  They can give the radio the power to operate for a little while, but the juice is limited and will eventually run out.  The Holy Spirit can empower us like the cord that you plug into a power outlet. As long as the other end is plugged into the wall, you have an unlimited source of power!  That radio can play for hours, days, weeks and beyond so long as it’s hooked up to that power source.

We have access to the ultimate power source in the Holy Spirit who will help us to do all things in Him, much like the fountain of water Jesus shared about with the woman at the well.  This makes sense to me, that if we draw on our own strength for anything we will eventually wear out, but drawing on the Holy Spirit for empowerment is a constant source of strength.

My prayer for each of us today is that we identify the areas of our lives that we are settling for battery power instead of the ultimate source of power, and make the switch.  Plug in to the Holy Spirit today and see if you don’t find yourself running faster, longer and in ways that supercede the natural!