
Stop Being Heady

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Reach out your hand and take it by the tail”

Exodus 4:4 (NKJV)

Moses, like many of us, was given something to manage. For him it was a rod. For you it is your work, your family, your kids, your finances, or your time. There is a difference between management and control. Let me prove it to you. God said, “Moses, what’s that in your hand?” Moses thrusts his arm forward peering down at the rod he was holding. God commanded him to throw it down. It become a snake. God said, “Pick it up by the tail.” Moses steps back and thinks to himself, “No, I’ve got to control it and in order to control it, I have to pick it up by the head.” God says, “Moses that’s the point. I don’t want you to have control. I want you to grab it by the end you can’t control. I want you to manage it, not control it.”

The reason some people can’t get what God wants for them is because they are trying to be in control. God says, let Me take care of the head, you grab it by the tail. Don’t let your desire to be in control get in the way of your deliverance. 

How are you managing what is in your hand? When people look at you, what do they see? You are born looking like your parents but you will die looking like your decisions.