
Seeing Things

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many prophets have gone into the world.

1 John 4:1

Sometimes we see the unexplainable and associate things that are wonders with the Lord without even questioning it. Our job as Christians is to test the spirit of that which lays in front of us. Does it edify God’s church? Does it have a purpose to lift those around or is it simply a distraction from God to make us look at the miraculous and not at Him? We must always be on guard, for the serpent is against us, and is fervently tying to pull us from the mercy and grace that is God. Don’t be distracted. False idols, false teachers and all that is unholy is against us. We must stand strong in our faith and read daily from the book of life as to not be distracted from our God.