
Reset by the Ultimate Handyman

Be still, and know that I am God…  Psalm 46:10

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”  Revelation 21:5

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.  2 Corinthians 5:17

I told a number of friends that I felt like summer slapped me in the face this week!  Between having a day off for Memorial Day that crunched my workload into fewer days, and trying to manage my kids who now have 7 more usable hours at home instead of being at school, this new transition to summer definitely exposed my weaknesses!  This is a time to take a moment and to be still. It’s amazing what a few deep breaths can do to bring things into focus.

During my “still moment” this week I did a life self-check and discovered I need a reset in multiple areas that I have recently gotten very lax in.  More than one place have I let the reins go in my discipline, which is why I feel like my life is an unbridled horse right now! It is such a comfort for me to be able to identify where things are going haywire because that’s when a plan of action can be formulated to restore order. A plan is needed, but not necessarily my plan.  I can unwisely begin to unfold a set of my own steps to course correct, and instead of slowing down gently and gradually, I risk digging a set of spurs into my horse and allow him to throw me completely off! That’s how I usually do change! Also sounds painful.

A plan is needed, but not necessarily my plan.

What I am so grateful for in the midst of realizing that I need some adjustments, is that I have placed my life into the hands of my God, who is the creator and re-creator of all things.  He made and breathed life into everything, and He also makes all things new. When I feel like my life is a fixer-upper, He is the Ultimate Handyman who is infinitely skilled in scraping off old wallpaper, tearing down walls, and completely remaking the inside of my house (which is the temple of the Holy Spirit) so that what is on the inside, is running efficiently, put back into order, and looks shiny and new to those who pass by.  All I really need to do is hand back over the keys to Him and say, “I feel like a mess right now, but I know YOU can make something out of this. How about You devise a plan to put me to rights, and tell me what steps You want me to take!” I will need to walk out some steps, but they need to be on His orders. He’s going to hand me a trowel and set me to work on my life, but according to His perfect blueprints. His plan and His training, mixed with my blood, sweat and tears.  

Wish me luck as I seek Him for guidance and direction in my summer reset!

Who else is ready for a reset by the Master Builder and Ultimate Handyman?