
Remembering Our Identity

After a number of seemingly endless days at home it is tempting for our lives to dissolve into a mess of pajamas, homeschool work, keeping the needs of our family members (and pets and plants!) met.  One could easily forget the normal responsibilities that kept us feeling like we have a purpose among our families, churches and communities and most importantly to God.

So in case you need a reminder of who God says you are, check out what Peter tells us in his first letter, chapter 2 verses 9-12.  As believers in Christ we are:

·      A chosen generation

·      A royal priesthood

·      A holy nation

·      His own special people, who are the people of God

·      Proclaimers of praise

·      Those who walk in the light

·      Those who have obtained mercy

·      A temporary resident of the world, but a citizen of heaven

·      Honorable people whose works cause others to glorify God

If you are needing some motivation or ideas for how to order your day to please God and to live according to His rule and reign, start by remembering who you are to Him, what He has done for you, and how we are to walk as a result of who He has made us to be.  He has set the course of our identity and we would do well to live like we know it!