
Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples! For His merciful kindness is great toward us, And the truth of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord!

Psalm 117

If there was ever a chapter of the Bible to memorize easily that helps center our life on God, this is the one!  It is only two verses, but reminds us of these key things:

  1. The Lord is always worthy to be praised, and everyone has the opportunity at any time.  You can be having the best day of your life and praise the Lord.  You can be in the midst of deep despair and stop in your tracks to praise the Lord.  The simple act of praising the Lord takes our eyes off US and puts our attention on HIM.
  2. God’s kindness is merciful, great and He lavishes it upon us whether we deserve it or not.  This is indicative of God’s character and not our own.  Who we are in any given moment or season does not change who He is eternally.  This is good news for us in an ever-changing world that we serve a stable and gracious God.
  3. There is absolute truth that is God’s and it endures forever.  God has been good to reveal truth to us through His word, His Spirit and all of creation.  We can both see and know God’s truth if we seek Him and His righteousness.