
Permit Even This

And while He was still speaking, behold, a multitude; and he who was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them and drew near to Jesus to kiss Him.  But Jesus said to him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” When those around Him saw what was going to happen, they said to Him, “Lord, shall we strike with the sword?” And one of them struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear. But Jesus answered and said, “Permit even this.” And He touched his ear and healed him. 

Luke 22:47-51

I can really sympathize with the disciples here who wanted to defend Jesus.  Here they were in this garden, minding their own business, and here comes along an angry mob.  Now, even though Jesus told them numerous times this was going to happen (that the Son of Man would be betrayed, handed over to suffer and eventually die) it still probably shocked them a bit.  And of course, they want to defend their teacher, their friend and King.  They weren’t looking for a fight, but when the fight came to them, they instinctively lashed out and cut off the ear of one of the leader’s servants.  It’s a carnal, natural response to fear to defend when threatened, and especially if someone is threatening that whom you love, most people in the world would understand this reaction.

However, just as the disciple cut off the ear of one of the men, as we defend ourselves in a provocation often do, we run the risk of cutting off the listening ears of those who are angry, hurt, confused and lashing out.  Jesus says in another scripture, “Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.”  Jesus’s approach in this situation was, “If someone slaps you on the cheek, turn and give them your other as well.”  He knew as the Savior, as the one who was walking in the will of God toward the cross, he was going to bleed.  He was going to suffer, and was going to be unfairly cut with stripes.  And His supernatural response was, “Permit even this.”  

Yes, a servant is not greater than His master.  I will suffer, and you will too.  People unjustly accused and lashed out at Me, and so they will do at you.  You will get bruised, crushed and cut with words…but, permit even this, that you may not cut off the ears of those whom I came to save.  The world and even the law would serve up an eye for an eye, but the new covenant in My kingdom says, “Bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you.”

Forgive us, Lord, when we have carnal instead of Kingdom reactions to pain, discomfort and disagreements in our lives.  When we are tempted, defend and deflect the blows that come our way, we must remember that by Your stripes we are healed, and sometimes the stripes we take for others might just be their way to gain healing as well.