
One Long Story

Only God could bring the Bible together as His word to us!

What do we know about how the Bible was written?

  1. It was written in three languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek)
  2. The Bible was written by more than 40 traditional authors
  3. It was written on three continents (Asia, Africa, Europe)

With all of this diversity, how can we possibly look at it as one long story? But that’s exactly what it is.

God’s Word was written down so we can have certainty concerning the things we have been taught. (Luke 1:4)

One problem we have with the Bible often is that we don’t look at is as one long story. We pick one thing out here and another out there but never look at it in it’s entirety. There is a tendency to hyper-focus on our favorite books or even our favorite characteristics of God while ignoring the rest. That would be like someone sneaking into your life and observing you for one hour of one day of one week of one month of one year of your entire life and saying that what they saw in that one hour is all of who you are. What if they happened to come at 3:34AM on a Monday morning? They could draw the conclusion that from their snippet of observation, that you are a very tired and slothful person who only sleeps. That would not be accurate at all.

We have to be careful as readers of God’s word to take it in it’s entirety as one long story.