
Nothing Under the Sun is New

That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which it may be said, “See, this is new”? It has already been in ancient times before us.

Ecclesiastes 1:9‭-‬10 NKJV

Isn’t it a comfort to know there is nothing new under the sun? Everything we see, feel, think and experience is something that is not unique to us.  

Have you ever had a terrible thought and then put yourself through the wringer, saying things like, “Nobody else thinks these things, how awful am I? Something must be terribly wrong with me that I would have such a thought, and everyone else is completely normal!” 

This pattern of thinking is a lie from the enemy and is devised to isolate us and make us feel alone and in a pit. We don’t want to reveal our weaknesses, shortcomings and failures to others because we feel like they will gasp, clutch their pearls and shame us because they would be shocked and dismayed by our thoughts and actions that no one in the world has ever seen before.

Newsflash: You aren’t that special. In fact, that kind of self-focused attention is going to keep your eyes on you, and off of God.  

The encouraging truth is this: Nothing is hidden from God. God has seen it all. From the conception of creation until long after we’re gone God has witnessed the iniquities of men that were so terrible the earth was flooded.  Every sin small and great committed by the hands of men was cast upon Jesus as He hung on the cross and gave up His life for us. God knows every transgression that was transferred to His precious Son and it does not scare or surprise Him. If God is all-knowing, He even knew every proclivity we would have towards sin.  It shocks us often, even our own junk, but never God. He is completely in the know. (Read Psalm 139).

God takes sin seriously and while He never dismisses sin as trivial or unimportant, it was His express purpose to deal with our sins with the blood of Jesus so we wouldn’t have to wrestle with them, hide them from others, or be constantly shamed by them.  As sons and daughters of the Most High King we would do well to throw every sinful and undesirable thought, word and action under the feet of Jesus! Instead of tucking them away in a closet where no one will see them, acknowledge they have been seen and dealt with! Jesus has the ability to wash us clean with every confession and instance of repentance.  

There is nothing new that is under the sun (or under the Son) but all those that have been raised to life in Christ have newness of life! Aim to live in the light and life of Christ.