
Not Limited by Sin

If sin separates us from God, confession unites us. But what if that sin was SO huge that it leaves ripples in our lives? Yes, there may be lasting consequences, but God has the ability to use anything (even our sin) for His glory!

“What were David’s two greatest sins?  Most people would reply, “His adultery with Bathsheba and his taking a census of the people,” and their answers would be correct.  As a result of his sin of numbering the people, David purchased property on Mount Moriah where he built an altar and worshiped the Lord.  David married Bathsheba and God gave them a son whom they named Solomon.  Now we have Solomon building a temple on David’s property on Mount Moriah!  God took the consequences of David’s two worst sins – a piece of property and a son – and built a temple! 

“But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.”  Romans 5:20

This isn’t an encouragement for us to sin, because David paid dearly for both of those sins, but it is an encouragement for us to go on serving God after we’ve repented and confessed our sins.  Satan wants us to think that all is lost, but the God of all grace is still at work.”

Warren Wiersbe

Sin doesn’t have to be a weight that bears down on us the rest of our lives that halts all progress. Isn’t this remarkable what our God can do? We focus on the sin, our screwups, but God figures out a way to redeem the situation!  Praise God!