
No Longer Restricted

He opened for us a new way, a living way, through the curtain—that is, through his own body.

Hebrews 10:20, GNT

Before Jesus, there was an important need to separate the holy of holies, where the presence of the Lord resided over the ark of the covenant, from the general public. The thick, wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling curtain wasn’t simply there because the holy of holies was so special, although it was. It also saved the lives of all who may try to enter into God’s presence as a sinner.

Because of sin, the temple worshipers were restricted from their creator.

When Jesus uttered His last words, the veil was torn completely in two showing that He alone was the ultimate and last sacrifice needed… EVER. It is finished! Jesus took our punishment for our sin upon Himself making it now possible for us to sit in the presence of God for the first time.

Today, we enjoy this luxury every day, minute-by-minute. But do we fully understand the significance?

I found myself focusing on the word “restricted”. People in those days were accustomed to being restricted which is very foreign for me today. The closest area I’ve felt restricted is from riding in first class on an airplane. But I still am allowed to walk through, and honestly, it’s not 100% restricted from me, I just have to pay for an upgraded ticket.

As long as I can remember, God has been assessable to me. Maybe that’s why the significance of the curtain has never personally affected me deeply. And to that I say, PRAISE THE LORD! Accessibility to God has been a constant in my life, to which I am thankful.