
Ninja Turtles and God

Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.

Matthew 6:9

To make God’s name holy (hallowed), we have to establish special reverence for it in our hearts. It has to be at a level of importance that rises above everything else. 

As a kid I was a huge Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fan. I had so many toys. I’m talking the turtle van, the Shredder car, and I can’t even remember how many action figures. I loved the turtles! These toys were very important to me. I remember grabbing several to take with me anytime we went on a car ride or went to visit grandparents. They were my favorite toys.

Interestingly, they were made of cheap plastic and paint. The paint chipped really easily. It’s not like the manufacture spent a lot on their design. They were mass-produced. That didn’t matter to me. They were still my favorite. I made them special. 

When we hallow God’s name, we make it special. We make it reverent to US. Where is God’s name on your priority list? How important and special is He? Is it Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle special, or just another toy?