
Never Enough Time

Time is something we want more of and at the same time, squander so easily. At the end of the day, are you more satisfied with how you spent your time or are you wishing for a re-do?

I have good news for you believer! The Apostle Paul gives us amazing guidelines for living and how to set life priorities. There’s one little verse in Ephesians 3 that I almost skipped over but I’m so glad I didn’t. He’s talking about walking with wisdom when he says…

“…redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”

Ephesians 3:16, NKJV

My mind kept reeling with “redeeming the time, redeeming the time”. What does that mean?

My most common experience with the word ‘redeem’ comes from my couponing days. Coupons are just a piece of paper with words written on them. Alone, they have no value. Here are a couple of stipulations you must agree to in order to encounter their worth.

  • You must trade it back in.
  • You must give it to the appropriate person.

If I have a $1.00 off milk coupon at Price Chopper, I can’t take it to Best Buy hoping to save a dollar on a TV. They aren’t the appropriate person. I also, can’t hold on to that coupon hoping to use it as currency at the gas station. I have to let it go… trade it back in to the one who sent it!

The same is true with our time. We are all given the same amount of time each day. Do I hold on to it greedily, hoping to make something out of it on my own? Or will I return it to the one who sent it? Will I redeem it?

Today, stop and say thank you to the Lord above who just gave you 24 hours. Turn in your time to Him… give it back. Today, redeem your time and ask Him to make the most of it. Don’t let a minute be wasted. Every moment can glorify HIM!