
More than a Taste

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

Psalm 34:8

Thanksgiving is without a doubt the best meal of the year. Deep fried turkey (it’s the best way to cook a turkey… if you don’t agree we can’t be friends. LOL!), mashed potatoes, green bean casserole… I could go on and on. It’s the best meal ever. However, the very best part isn’t the menu options, but the quantity. There’s always SO much food! 

In Psalm 34, King David is sharing of God’s goodness, something he had experienced that many from his time hadn’t yet. David got to experience intimacy with God that wasn’t revealed to everyone else. Jesus hadn’t died on the cross yet. The Holy Spirit hadn’t been given. David says “taste” and see. All you need is a taste. Just a sample is all that’s needed to know that God is GOOD! 

In the New Testament, John chapter 6 says that Jesus refers to Himself as “the bread of life”. No longer are we called to “taste”, but we can have our fill! When I sit at the Thanksgiving table, I’m not interested in sampling all the food… I’m going to fill my plate, probably multiple times. 

So many Christians live today with a “taste” mentality. We treat the Holy Spirit like an appetizer when He came to keep you full! 

Wherever you are today, whatever you’re doing, God has more for you. Stop scooting away from the table. Fill your plate. Dig in.