

As we continue into week 3 of this worship series, please enjoy the following contribution from Angie Yager, one of my fellow worship leaders.

Singing comes natural to every human on earth. Young or old, black or white, strong or weak. We all sing praises of one thing or another. Some sing gospel, some sing rock and roll and others praise loudly about pick-up trucks and ladies. Many of us use singing to praise what we idolize, glorify or lift above all other things. But one thing is true… we all sing. 

When presented with the Hebrew word Tehillah – vocal praise – my heart burst with a million notes. Singing words that edify and lift my Savior above all else is all I can think about a majority of the time. If being a “good” Christian was all about singing, I would have it on lock. The good Father gifted me with many things but my voice is my most prized gift that came naturally and required little to no effort by traditional standards of work. 

In Psalm 34:1 we see the perfect example of instruction on how to Tehillah within our time on earth. “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” (Emphasize mine.) God is commanding us to SING His praises! He gave all of us the ability to produce song and project it from our bodies. When gathered as the body or alone at home, no matter your skill level or natural talent, the Lord is requesting you sing His praises.

So sing loud and proud sons and daughters! Sing like nobody is listening. Your Heavenly Father is waiting for your voice to rise and urges you to join your brothers and sisters in beautiful choir. As Jeremy Riddle so eloquently stated on the topic of Tehillah; “Be enthroned upon the praises of a thousand generations… You are worthy, Lord of all! Unto you the slain and risen king, we lift our voice to heaven, SINGING worthy, Lord of all!”