
Members Of One Body

This week I asked a fellow worship teammate to share a devotional for you all. So read on to hear from my friend Angella Yager.

The eye can’t say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 In fact, it is just the opposite. The parts of the body that seem to be weaker are the ones we can’t do without. 23 The parts that we think are less important we treat with special honor. The private parts aren’t shown. But they are treated with special care. 24 The parts that can be shown don’t need special care. But God has put together all the parts of the body. And he has given more honor to the parts that didn’t have any. 25 In that way, the parts of the body will not take sides. All of them will take care of one another. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored, every part shares in its joy.27 You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it.

1 Corinthians 12: 21-27

A lot of us believe we need to be the hands or the eyes of the ministry in which God has placed us. Our culture tells us that if we are not in charge, or the most visible, then we are less important. This scripture says the exact opposite! He has given those who are not in the spotlight more honor in their respected positions. Let us be grateful for our place and give all the glory and honor to Him. 

We need to step outside of the mainstream idea that says you have to be the biggest, baddest person in the room and submit into our role within the body of Christ. Everyone has a God-given position, whether that is in the spotlight or the shadows. By living in the rightful position God has given us, we can finally break free of the social norms and truly live in the freedom which is eternal life through Him. Let’s break free of the mold as the modern day church and live by the original “all for one and one for all” mentality. By giving up the cultural approach of every man for himself, we are releasing a freedom into today’s society that many are starving for. Be the change and rise up as the body, no matter what role you have been given.