

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”
1 John 3:1a, (NIV)

By the time this is posted, Thanksgiving will have come and gone. But as I sit here writing today, it is two days away. I find myself cramming a weeks worth of work into a fewer days than normal. So this week, I thought it fitting to share another’s writing. And boy is it good timing. I’ll need to re-read it AFTER Thanksgiving, after the turkey, after the pie and after the buttery rolls.

Don’t let one day spoil who you see when you look into the mirror. Enjoy this writing from the Proverbs 31 website from Cindy Bultema. Of course, check out their full website full of wonderful wisdom.

I love surprises! So, when I saw someone I used to mentor years ago, it was a sweet surprise. I ran over to her. We hugged and reconnected as friends do. Then she looked me up and down and said, “Wow, Cindy, you’ve gained weight!”

At that moment, all that was sweet turned sour.

After we finished talking, I got in my truck and started talking to myself, as I sometimes do. What are you going to do with that comment, Cindy? It’s true that you gained some weight. The last time she saw you, you were in the middle of a significant diet plan. It is true we must care for our bodies, the place where God dwells. But what is the truth? Cindy, now what are you going to do?

Sweet friend, we always have a choice.

I could choose to call myself “fat” and ignite old eating disorder patterns, take the latest diet drug, and pound it out at the gym at the expense of all else. Or I could call myself “loved” and remember my new identity in Christ Jesus.

While it’s true that I was up a jean size or more, I chose to focus on a greater Truth — God’s capital “T” truth — about who I am in Jesus. I flipped down my vehicle’s visor, looked in the mirror, and declared the truth of my identity from A to Z.

Cindy, you are “A” — Accepted. Your worth does not come from appearance, accolades or achievements. You are “B” — Beautiful. God knitted you into His masterpiece. And “C” — Chosen. God picked you. “D” — for Delivered. He delivered you from old patterns and made you new!

After I made it through “Z” — Zealous for God, I pulled away from the curb and kept repeating, “L” — Loved. Loved. Period.

Yes, I added a period after the word “loved” — because in that moment, I needed the reminder God loves me, no matter what! No matter how I feel, what I’ve done, if my day is sweet or sour, I am loved. Period.

Great news, friend. So are you! Do you see it? 

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Perhaps it’s your personality or your position. Maybe it’s family, finances or feelings. Or maybe it’s what others say about you.

What do you see?

If we were sharing coffee together, I would put on my heart-shaped glasses (something I call lenses of love) and say, “Let’s shift our eyes from our mirrors to God’s Word to see what He sees.” 

1 John 3:1a says, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”

Do you see it? God loves you! It’s a great love we don’t deserve and can’t earn. He lavishly gifts it to us through His Son, Jesus. And to all who receive Him, they are called children of God. Wow! That is who we are! 

When we see what God sees, we see a woman who’s loved. Period. 


No matter the weight on her shoulders or the scale, no matter her fears, frets or failures, no matter if she just lost her job or lost it with her kids, everything changes.

Because when we know the truth of God’s love, we will live the truth of our identity. Our beliefs shape our behavior. What we behold determines who we become.

This, I know. Jesus saved my life; His truth saved my mind.

If something throws you to the curb, remember who God is and all He says about you. Open His Word (a good place to start is 1 John 3:1 or the book of Ephesians), and see the truth of God’s great love for you. Period.

Dear God, thank You for Your great love for me and the new identity that’s mine in Christ. Please help me to see in the deepest place of my heart and mind that You lavishly love me. Period. I want to know the Truth so that I can live the Truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Cindy Bultema