
Lighten Your Burden

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.  Matthew 11:30

For each one should carry their own load.Galatians 6:5

When we experience the love of Christ and the great exchange of His righteousness in place of our deep and severe unrighteousness before God, it’s kind of like He gives us a smooth sled in place of a cart with square wheels in which to carry our loads through life.  We still have work to do, and we ourselves must bear our own loads but life is easier with the Helper and His ways.

But just because we have the right vehicle does not mean we won’t unnecessarily burden ourselves by adding things to our load that we were never intended to bear by the Lord.  God has set for each of us an amount of work to do each day which is His assignment for us, and if we just concerned ourselves with such things we’d probably be smooth sailing.  But so often we pack our sleds with extra baggage:  our own tasks and agendas (often selfish), our emotional burdens (like anxiety, sorrow, anger, etc.) and many times we even stop to pick up the baggage of others! It’s no wonder we often walk many days feeling heavy and bogged down.

Ask the Lord to help you unpack your sled and to repack it with only those things which the Lord has asked you to carry, and figure out what to give over to God, what to give to others or what things we pick up that NO ONE is supposed to carry!  Watch your burden lighten over time as we lean in and trust Him to do the heavy lifting.