
Leaving Wickedness

Lot and his two daughters left Sodom and negotiated with God to let him reside in Zoar instead of the nearby hills as was instructed by God. Now after Lot sees Sodom and Gomorrah go up in flames and smoke, NOW he has a healthy fear of the Lord. NOW he chooses to live where God recommended in the first place.

Now Lot went up out of Zoar and lived in the hills with his two daughters, for he was afraid to live in Zoar. So he lived in a cave with his two daughters.

Genesis 19:30, ESV

However, things don’t get much better for Lot and we watch as his life takes a strange and drastic turn with his daughters. Simply leaving a place of wickedness doesn’t change a person’s heart. His daughters were raised in a wicked city around wicked people which affected them greatly. It is no surprise that Lot’s daughters behaved in such a gross, perverted and desperate way. (More on that next week.)

When a person fears that the end is coming, they are capable of doing desperate and stupid things. Put your trust in God, not time or people.