
Land Mine

Let all things be done decently and in order.

1 Corinthians 14:40 NKJV

As Echo Church walks through the book of Hebrews, it is important to note the potential dangers we face while navigating this field of theological land mines. Here are a few words of advice for us in our voyage.

LET: Let God speak to you. You must allow it. Do not LET the opinions of men, presuppositions, and biases shape your movement. Do not be guilty of stepping into the footprints of men who have gone before you. If I were the enemy, that is where I would place the land mine. LET God order your steps.

ALL: Let Him shape everything. The THINGS you do, the THINGS you say, the THINGS you think. Just one thing not given over to Him could bring about your demise.

DECENTLY: Let Him set the standard of your moral behavior so you might be conformed into His image, not the image of men.

ORDER: There is an ORDER to this voyage. Navigate the text without jumping to conclusions about where the writer is going. No one navigating a field of land mines jumps around. Take each idea for what it is and be shaped by it, step by calculated step.