
Infinite Spirited

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.”

John 10:27-28

Are you infinite or finite? When you became a Christian was it to just “win” souls for Jesus or were you going into it with a relationship mindset? A finite Christian uses words like win or lose, competition and “well, what are other churches doing that we could do better?” Is Christianity a game you are trying to win or is it a pursuit of Christ and all things He encompasses?

In Simon Sinek’s book, “The Infinite Game”, he addresses this very issue. “For all its benefits, acting with an infinite, long-term view is not easy. It takes real effort. As human beings we are naturally inclined to seek out immediate solutions to uncomfortable problems and prioritize quick wins to advance our ambitions. We tend to see the world in terms of successes and failures, winners and losers.”

So if we unpack that excerpt above we see that human nature drives us to play the finite game. What are the rules? How can we win this Sunday? What small fires need to be put out now? When we look at the word of God we see phrases like “eternal” and “everlasting” among others. God doesn’t want us to just win souls on Sundays, He wants us to play the infinite game. He wants a lasting relationship that pours over into everyday life and makes Christianity a lifestyle instead of just a hobby.

When you examine your walk with Christ is it finite or infinite? How can we better ourselves so the world sees a reflection of Christ daily instead of just pumping the narrative that Sundays are the only days that count?