
Incorruptible Beauty

We all know what outer beauty is, but inner beauty is a little bit harder to define. We say things like, “You’re beautiful inside and out.” We know it’s important, but what does God say?

Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the [a]incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. 

1 Peter 3:3-4, NKJV

Yes, this text is directed at women, wives in particular. Maybe because it’s so easy for us to make our outward appearance a priority in our daily schedule. Sure, it’s fun to play with makeup and different hair styles. I mean, I love surfing for pretty eye makeup looks on Pinterest!

But Peter warns us to not only be concerned with our outside, but ALSO be concerned with our inside! I love the phrasing he uses describing our inside… the hidden person of the heart. Hidden. Only we have true access at this level. No one from the outside… just us and God.

He actually calls it an incorruptible beauty! YOU are in control of your inner beauty. No one can take it away or tarnish it. Whatever happens on the outside does not have the power to alter your inner beauty… it is incorruptible.

Peter goes on about this incorruptible beauty and gives it defining qualities–gentleness and a quiet spirit. When I first read this, I was thinking I was in major trouble, because these are words I would never use to describe myself. But oh how quickly we switch from the inward (which is the focus here) to the outside… our personality. You can have an outgoing personality and still have a gentle and quiet spirit.

Are you considerate at the heart of who you are? Do you leave others in wake of calmness or chaos? We are seeking for our hidden person of the heart to affect our atmosphere for the positive. Our words, actions and SPIRIT should point others to the steadiness of the Lord… always!

These are the traits God designed women (particularly wives) to possess. It is a goal for sure, but it is an attainable goal. Seek the Lord today and reflect on the hidden person of your heart. What’s she like? Remember that when you “feed her” you are feeding your incorruptible beauty!