
I’m 3rd

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 

Philippians 2:3 (ESV)

As followers of Christ, it’s a constant struggle to live our lives submitted to God. Some may claim it’s not a struggle, but I would suggest their lying… therefore proving it is indeed a struggle. 

What’s an even bigger struggle is submitting our lives to those around us. Philippians 2:3 is a great reminder of where we’re supposed to fall on our own priority list. It’s pretty cut a dry. There’s not a lot of room for interpretation. 
1. God
2. Other
3. Myself.

If we, yes all of us good Christians, could admit how selfish we really are at our roots, the Holy Spirit has room to begin to dig those roots up and plant new seed! As a parent, nothing annoys me like my kids trying to tell me they know how to do something I’m trying to explain. Just be quiet and let me explain it. You clearly don’t know what you’re doing. How annoyed must we make our Heavenly Father?