
I Don’t Feel It

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?

Jeremiah 17:9 

Do not let your feelings rule your day. When people spend a lot of time talking about how they feel about their life, how they feel about their marriage, how they feel about their kids, how they feel about their job, how they feel about their church, it is a sign of immaturity. The Christian walk has nothing to do with how you feel. 

I’ve been coming home for 20 years to my wife when I didn’t feel like it. I go to work when I don’t feel like it. I engage and hang out with my kids when I don’t feel like it. I read my Bible when I don’t feel like it. I keep praying when I don’t feel like it. Why? Because feelings have nothing to do with why I do what I do. 

If you are going to have ownership you need to have stewardship. And honestly folks, stewardship is often done when you just don’t feel it. We have got to stop owning stuff that we won’t take care of just because we don’t feel like it.