
His Will, Not Mine

I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that I have often intended to come to you (but thus far have been prevented), in order that I may reap some harvest among you as well as among the rest of the Gentiles.

Romans 1:13

Matthew 26:39, Mark 14:36, Luke 22:42, and John 6:38 all show Jesus’ example of putting the will of the Father over His own. In this week’s scripture, we see Paul showing that same determination. Paul desperately wanted to visit Rome. He wanted to see and touch all that was happening as the Gospel of Christ spread into the biggest empire in the world during his time. However, regardless of how badly he wanted to visit Rome, the Holy Spirit kept him elsewhere. Paul responded obediently everywhere the Lord sent him.

As a Bible college student, I was given the opportunity to embark on a year-long mission project. The first semester was on-campus training and study. The second semester was to take me to a country in Africa to do mission work within a Muslim community. I won’t take the time to explain all the amazing experiences this project would give me. I was excited. I signed up without even consulting my parents.

Long story short, I didn’t raise enough funds to complete the second semester, so I was forced to quit at the halfway point, unable to travel to Africa. I learned the hard way that I had jumped through a door that God had not opened. Through some prayer and counsel from a spiritual leader, I realized, that while God was not sending me to Africa, He had brought me to Kansas City for Bible college. While I desperately wanted to go on an incredible mission trip, God was leading me in a different direction. 

My result? I have spent the last 16 years in pastoral ministry, have been married to the most amazing woman for almost 15 years, am the father to 3 beautiful children, and have been blessed to see God move continuously both in and through my life. 

Just because something looks like an awesome God opportunity doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily God’s opportunity for YOU. The Lord has provided us with His Holy Word, prayer, and the wise counsel of spiritual leaders to help us discern His will for our lives. May we be a church that seeks after HIS will and not our own!