
Help Us Perceive Your Light

Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!  

Matthew 6:22-23

Have you ever been driving down the road to a known destination, looking at the trees and scenery and having a great ol’ time only to suddenly discover nothing looks familiar and you don’t know where you are?  What do you do?  Do you make a full stop, pull out your map/GPS and try to figure out where you are, and how you got off course?  No one is immune to taking a wrong turn once in a while…what’s important is once you realize you’ve off-roaded is to make every effort to get back to the right track.

Now, consider the person who is driving and driving, looking to the right and to the left, and is heading down a completely wrong road and doesn’t know it at all.  What would happen if they never realized they were in unfamiliar territory, and therefore never stopped to consider if they were on the right road?  Or even worse, the trees look good, and the road is straight and fast, and driving feels good so they don’t even care if they are going to the right place, they just enjoy that they get to drive?

That’s the picture I get in my mind when I think of this scripture.  There are people in the world (and none of us are immune given the right issue!) that THINK they have light and and can see clearly, while being confused or completely deceived.  Their light is darkness.  They believe they have enlightenment and they cannot be convinced otherwise.  That to me is like a driver that is being told by GPS repeatedly, “WRONG WAY!” and not ever bothering to find out if that’s true.  

The Word of God is our GPS, our map.  His word is a light lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path.  Many things imitate the light, and try to convince us that lesser things are the true light.  It is not so.  All other light that is not of Him is darkness.

Lord, help our light be Your light.  Help us walk in the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake.  Humble us so that when we are walking in darkness in any area of our lives that we are not easily convinced that the darkness is light.  Open blind eyes so that they may see, and make our eyes healthy so that they can perceive spiritual truths.