
Goal Crusher

After the two days he left for Galilee.

John 4:43, NIV

Jesus was on His way to Galilee when He stopped at a well to draw water in the city of Sychar in Samaria. Even though He was traveling to a specific destination, He was keenly aware of the needs of people who crossed His path. There’s a saying in the customer service world stating that people are not an interruption to your work, they ARE your work. Jesus’ time in Sychar shows me that He may have been the first customer service professional. 

The work of the Lord is accomplished not only through our goals, but also in the journey we travel getting there. 

Focus, determination and crushing our goals can so quickly distract us from so much MORE! Jesus wasn’t lost in His proverbial phone as He waited for the disciples to return with food. No, He was aware of the people around Him. He wasn’t intimidated by a conversation with a stranger. He didn’t allow his hunger to become so mood altering that He had nothing to give the woman in front of Him. These three possible scenarios are definitely things I have deemed worthy of keeping to myself while choosing to be anti-social.

How can we impact our world if we refuse to socialize with them?

His effect on the Samaritan woman’s life and consequentially, many of her townspeople, wasn’t a box Jesus ticked off and then went on His way, staying the course. The Bible says He stayed there for two days before leaving for Galilee. Two days! Sometimes giving two minutes is such a great feat for me to give… But two days!?!? Jesus knew that every person was important and worth His attention and time. Slow down and look around. Don’t crush those around you in the process of crushing your goals. Share God with everyone!