
Following The Way

Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.

John 5:19, NKJV

A good musician has the ability to listen to another musician and identify who they’ve been listening to; who influences them. Who we talk to, who we listen to, what we read and where we go, will all have an impact on us no matter how strong, sure and impervious we believe we are. Everyone follows someone and it shows up as notes and melodies in our lives. 

Who you follow is very important because who you follow, you become. Jesus was called The Way, but it is up to us how closely we follow Him. No one is exempt from this rule. Even those we follow, are also followers of someone. Which is why Jesus is the perfect one to devote your life to following. He is in perfect and constant communion with God the Father. 

Follow the One who follows God. He does and says what He sees His Father doing and saying. The next level to this cycle is to remember that you have an influence on someone else’s life song. Their melody will ebb and flow with yours. You’re not immune to this trickle-down system. Follow so closely to Jesus that your face is covered from the dust of His sandals.