
Extravagant Love

See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God…  

1 John 3:1

So, my birthday was yesterday and I received a most unexpected card in the mail that has me tearing up even now just thinking about it.  It was from my dad, who is working out of town right now so I wasn’t expecting anything like this. It was a sweet and sentimental card, and he had even included a few pictures from my childhood that he had the forethought to bring with him to New Orleans! And though he’s working hard he found a moment to send it from there so it would arrive just in time for my special day. That’s how thoughtful is done, my friends!!

This is what was written in the card:  

I’m so proud of the person you’ve become; I take that back, I’ve been proud of you since the day you were born.  37 years ago was one of the happiest and proudest days of my life! You bring such joy into our lives, plus you’ve given us those beautiful grand-girls.  We truly are blessed since you have been in our lives!

I mean, wow.  Can you get a better affirmation than that from an earthly father?  

And yet, I can think of countless moments over the last 37 years of my life that I have tested my father, disrespected him, disobeyed and acted in such a manner that would do the opposite of making him proud.  Yet, he has chosen to not bring those memories to the forefront of his mind, and instead his letter is filled with love and delight over me. He chooses to see the progress I’ve made from childhood to adulthood and praise who I am right now, and not who I’ve been.  He’s not holding onto the occasions in which my backside deserved a whippin’ (I am almost fairly certain I received my last spanking at the age of 16!) but is rejoicing that my life made him a father and how rich that experience has been (even in the scrapes!).

I cannot help but draw parallels in how my earthly father regards me and how my Heavenly Father regards me as His beloved child.  In fact, this card could have been written from Daddy to me and all the same principles would stand, times infinity. Before I was a twinkle in my father’s eye, God knew me.  He chose me as His own, and always knew I would be His. Unlike my earthly father who has been spared some of my more wretched moments, God has seen to the depths of my heart and life and can still proclaim, “I rejoice and delight over you, and love you so dearly.”  

God our Father loves you with this kind of love too.  When you accept the salvation that was afforded to us through the sacrifice of His Beloved Son, you are adopted into this family of faith.  And there’s nothing you can do to make God love you more, and there’s nothing you can do to make Him love you less. He is unchanging, unfailing and faithful to us.  If you need to be reminded of the Father’s intense and beautiful love for you today, here is a song to remind you:
“Extravagant” by Amanda Cook/Ran Jackson/Sean Feucht/Stephany Gretzinger