
Easy Peasy

There are:

  • 66 books in the Bible
  • 31,102 verses in the Bible
  • 783,137 words in the Bible
  • 3,116,480 letters in the Bible

Many people give the excuse that they don’t have time to read the Bible through in a year. Time is not the problem, priorities are. Lets take a look at the time spent on screen media each day:

  • The average adult spends 4 hours and 44 minutes a day
  • The average teenager spends 7 hours and 22 a day

That’s the average time we spend on screen media. That just blew my mind. I thought to myself, “How much can an average reader read per minute?” Here is what I discovered.

The average reader can read 300 words per minute. That means we can read the entire Bible in 43.5 hours. But of course no one is going to read for 43.5 hours straight. However, if we substitute our screen time for reading the Bible, here is how quickly the average adult and teen could complete it:

  • Adults could read the entire Bible in 22 days. 
  • Teens could read the entire Bible in 6 days.

That means if adults substituted screen media each day for reading the Bible, they could complete the Bible 16.5 times a year and teens could complete it 61 times!

 We have time. We don’t prioritize it so well.