
Drama Llama

Pacha: What happened?
Old Man: Well, I threw off the Emperor’s groove.
Pacha: What?
Old Man: His groove! The rhythm in which he lives his life. His pattern of behavior. I threw it off. And the Emperor had me thrown out of the window.
Pacha: Oh, really? I am supposed to see him today.
Old Man: Don’t throw off his groove!
Pacha: Oh, okay.
Old Man: Bewaaaare, the groove.
Pacha: Hay, you gonna be all right?
Old Man: Grooove…

A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 15:1

Do we treat people like Kuzco or do we treat people the way God instructs us? When division and strife come knocking on the door are we reacting in a worldly manner or a biblical one? 

I don’t have much grace for people in certain areas (so I’ve been told). But is that an excuse or do I need to grow in my understanding of how God wants me to interact with His children? When we look at the scripture above am I instructed to throw people out a window for throwing off my groove or am I instructed to put aside my flesh and interact with a godly grace? 

Less throwing more whispering. Less world more God. If we can try to achieve this, we can grow daily into the sons and daughters God is proud of.