
Don’t Despise the Small Things: Part Three

For who has despised the day of small things?  Zechariah 4:10 NKJV

After reading last week’s modern-day parable, did it give you cause for pause in how we approach the gifts of God?

Is this how God feels every time we fail to see that even the very breath in our lungs is a precious gift?  Do we only praise God for the blessings we can see, or do we acknowledge there are probably hundreds of times in a day He is moving things in and out of our paths for safety and to position us for success in our day?  Do we lament and get frustrated by the lack of signs and wonders we’d like to see, and miss that even the very creation tells of the glory of God and awakens us to His majesty and goodness to us?  Every tree that points its branches to heaven, every bird that chirps, every body of water that sparkles in the sunlight is a sign and wonder of our glorious Creator.

I fear we may be guilty of forsaking the gifts of the small wonders and miracles of the Good Gift-Giver as we chase after the big, bold and miraculous.  God, open our eyes and increase our sensitivity to the works of Your hands in our lives, so that we can rejoice and celebrate EVERY good and perfect gift you give us.  Help us not to despise the small ways in which You bless us continually.

AND, what if one of those big, bold and dramatic signs and wonders does appear in our midst?   AWESOME!!!  Rejoice and praise God for those too!  Just because we appreciate the small gifts doesn’t mean we blow off the big ones either!!  

God, we PRAISE You for all Your signs and wonders, Your miracles, Your love and care for us!  We praise You for the small and we praise You for the large.  We praise You when we see You working very directly and overtly in our lives, and we praise You for all the behind-the-scenes, covert work You do that we never even get to see.   We acknowledge that every good and perfect gift comes from You, and that You alone get to decide what is good and perfect for our lives.

Thank you for being a Good Father who knows how to give good gifts to His children.