
Do As They Say

Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples, saying: “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.  Matthew 23:1-3

The Pharisees get a bad rap, but they weren’t idiots.  Jesus told the multitudes to observe the things the Pharisees said to do, as they had immense knowledge of the law that was given to them by God.  While ultimately we know that no man would obtain righteousness through this kind of lawful right living, the right practices with the right heart would have gone a long way to at least show the Lord they were TRYING to honor, love and please Him.  However, Jesus had a laundry list of faults with the Pharisees that can be summed in one word:  hypocrisy.  What they professed in public they did not live out in private.  The fruit of their lips did not match the intents of their heart.  We can be like this today as well, especially if we’re trying to operate in our own strength.  However, if the Pharisees had been able to align right heart position, right intent and right practices I think Jesus would not have been so hard on these still frail, human men.  They lacked the power to which we now have access!

There is GOOD NEWS for all those who have trusted in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, as well as received the gift of the Holy Spirit as a helper and guide!  We are supernaturally empowered to talk the talk AND walk the walk!  We have the opportunity through God’s plan, Jesus’ sacrifice and the Holy Spirit’s gift to be pleasing to Him with our hearts, our minds and our actions as we trust and rely on Him to work in and through us.  As we go along in our walk with the Lord, may He help us grow ever more reliant on Him, as we look more and more like Him each day in our thoughts, words and actions.