
Descending Ascent

10 He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things. 

Ephesians 4:10  (NKJV)

There are two things that we learn from this scripture. Firstly, we learn that transitions require transformation. When Jesus ascended, He did it in physical form. On the day of Pentecost, He came back in spiritual form. You can’t stay the way you are and go where God wants to take you.

  • You can’t do the next thing in the same form.
  • You can’t treat the next opportunity with the same mentality.
  • You can’t go through the next door with the same set of friends.
  • You can’t be promoted and use the same language you’ve always used.
  • You can’t get married and live like you’re single.

We also learn that descension always precedes ascension. We try to see who we can get over and God is trying to see who we will get under. Those who can come under others can be trusted to be over them.

God is trying to see if you have what it takes to be the boss.

  • You may have the skills to be the boss.
  • You may have the degree to be the boss.
  • You may have the charisma to be the boss.
  • But do you have the humility to be one?

The way up is under. Those who come under God are raised up by Him.