
Course Correcting

Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things.

James 3:4-5

I was recently sitting in on a church leadership Zoom meeting with other church leaders from around the country. A comment was made about how much work it takes to turn a ship. You can turn the wheel all the way to one direction, but it will take a few minutes for the ship to begin to move. The velocity of the ship’s current direction takes time to change in the water. 

While the conversation had nothing to do with James 3, my thoughts went to this scripture. Much like a large ship takes time to change it’s course in the water, our words aren’t easily undone. We tend to say things in the moment and not take consideration for how our words may have future impact. Once your words leave your tongue, you can’t take them back. The ship has already been turned. The outcome is inevitable. Can we course correct? Yes. But that takes time as well. Plus, course correcting is hard work. 

If you find yourself in a moment of course correcting, stay the course. You’re not working a microwave, you’re working a crock pot. Get comfy. Be diligent. The greater lesson for us is to learn to take inventory of the impact of our words before they leave our mouth.