

Its 87 degrees inside our home. We have been without air conditioning for almost 5 days now, why so long you may ask? Well the technicians have been trying to figure our the problem, changed almost everything and still were not able to fix it. The final verdict is that the whole unit has to be replaced, it’s beyond repair.

Is it possible to have a thankful heart in the middle of such unfortunate situation? It’s easier to get angry, frustrated, sad or just complain about everything. But we learn from the Bible that even in the worst situations we can have some joy. Why? Because it is better to be joyful in the midst of your circumstances than to be contaminated with anger, complaint and negativity. None of those things will solve the problem anyway.

When you realize that there are things that you can’t change no matter how angry, frustrated or loud you get… you understand what a waste of time it is to enter into those negative emotions.

Despite our circumstances, we can try to be thankful for the smallest of things—nice weather outside, helpful family and neighbors, quiet moments with God, it could be a warmer summer. Reality is that we’ve had a lifetime of seeing God provide for us, and this time won’t be any different. God is the giver of all good gifts in our life.

We don’t know what hardships the author of Psalm 116 was facing. Some Bible commentaries say it was probably sickness because he said, “the cords of death entangled me” (v. 3). But he gave thanks to the Lord for being gracious and full of compassion when he was “brought low” (vv. 5–6).

When we’re low, it can be hard to look up. Yet if we do, we see that God is the giver of all good gifts in our life—great and small—and we learn to give Him thanks.

What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me? . . . I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving (Psalm 116:12, 17).