
Continue Steadfastly

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Acts 2:42, NKJV

We do a lot of things in a day. Some may look at my life and think I’m super organized and accomplish great things. I mean, my kids are still alive and my husband doesn’t hate me so I must be doing something right huh? One big area of weakness for me is my consistency. I’ll scrub my house floor to ceiling, but do I do it consistently? Absolutely not. It is my desire, but alas, the soap scum and dust have a way of building up when they’re not tended to on a regular basis. 

I think that’s why the word ‘steadfastly’ stood out to me in such a glaring way from the text above in Acts. They continued steadfastly. Good ol’ Google defines steadfast as “resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering”. I can confidently say, I drink coffee steadfastly. 

Oh if it were drinking coffee that Luke (who was most likely the author of this book) was writing about. But no, he’s referring to the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, breaking bread and praying. Those who walked the closest with Jesus were His apostles. It’s hard to argue with someone who walked and talked with Jesus for years. Their doctrine became the reference guide for those wanting to follow in The Way… Jesus Christ. But I love that doctrine and fellowship are paired together here as if they are unable to be spoken of separately. This road of being a Christ-follower is not meant to be walked alone. The fellowship is equally important as the doctrine. At least that is what the Spirit is whispering to me. 

Breaking bread and praying are pretty straight forward. But is this something you only do privately or do you bring it into your fellowship? These are very intimate activities, yet God wants us to enjoy them together with our people. 

Lord help me grow to continue steadfastly in these things.
Dutifully firm.
Help identify the areas where scum and dust have built up. Give me the energy and insight to tend to the ENTIRE house…not just the rooms that guests see, but the closets and junk drawers I have hidden away from view. I know you see it all of my heart and love me anyway. Thank you!