
Conference Download, Part 6: Green with Envy

For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.

James 3:16, NKJV

Have you ever thought that verse from James was a little extreme? We all know that envy is a waste of time, but really… it brings confusion and EVERY evil thing??

As I continue reviewing my notes from a conference I went to in October, I’ve come to another sermon from Jeremy Foster. He perfectly illustrated how verse 16 is such a HUGE warning to us.

He asked for two women to come to the stage because he had two Amazon gift certificates to give away. Of course the hands went up quick as lightening. He chose the two lucky ladies and proceeded to give them each a bag as promised. The first revealed a $25 gift certificate. Of course, the audience erupted with applause. The second revealed a $100 gift certificate. In which the audience didn’t really know how to respond.

Jeremy went on to say how easily it would be for woman 1 to be envious of woman 2’s gift. She clearly got a bigger gift and could do more with it. But then he pointed out who she really is mad at… not the other woman, but himself, the one who gave the gifts.

When you are jealous of someone, you’re not actually frustrated at the person, but with God. You can’t be mad at the one who received the gift – you’re actually mad at God, the gift-giver.


So next time you’re green with envy, stop and evaluate your true feelings. Believe the verse from Proverbs and don’t let evil and confusion to take root. Celebrate the gifts of others and be a cheerleader in their victories!