
Conference Download, Part 7: Don’t Be Simple

For wrath kills a foolish man,
And envy slays a simple one.

Job 5:2, NKJV

Slowly, over the past two months, I’ve revisited my notes from a conference I attended in October. Way more often than not, my stellar, colorful (because who really likes black ink pens) notes, that I so carefully constructed, get put on a shelf, never to be read again. Not this time momma!

I only have a few more pages to review, but this one definitely needs to be re-read, especially as we approach Christmas.

In the tail-end of his sermon, Jeremy Foster gave us a short list on how to overcome envy and jealousy. But I can’t go further until I’ve highlighted the scripture above from Job. Ya’ll! This is a passage I do not want to live out in my life! Wrath. Foolish. Envy. SLAYS. All things I want nothing to do with. My takeaway is pretty basic, if I’m envious, I am being simple-minded. Yuck! I want to be complex and deep, not simple.

So, without further ado, here’s Jeremy’s list:

Overcoming Envy & Jealousy

  1. Acknowledge the fact that you’re jealous and ask God to help you find value.
  2. Celebrate the people you tend to be jealous of.
  3. Start leveraging what you DO have to help others

I hope this truly serves as a recipe for future success as envy and jealousy pop up unexpectedly. Instead of feeding that monster, feed yourself with TRUTH and don’t be simple.