
Come and See

Action precedes enlightenment.  We are often invited to take a step before the Lord reveals something to us.  Here’s a few examples of this:

  • Phillip invited Nathanial to “Come and See.”  (John 1:46)  Nathaniel had to COME before he would be allowed to SEE.
  • David invites people to “Taste and See” that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8)  We must TASTE before we can SEE.
  • Jesus said, “ASK and it will be GIVEN to you; SEEK and you will FIND, KNOCK and the door will be OPENED to you.” (Matthew 7:7)

Many people want a sign first, and then they’ll respond.  They want to SEE and then they’ll decide whether or not they will COME.  They want to RECEIVE without having to ASK for anything.  Jesus’ response to this hesitation by His early spectators was this:  “A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign…” (Matthew 16:4)  A loyal people to Jesus will trust in Him and go where He tells them to go, and do what He tells them to do BEFORE they see the rewards of doing so; a wicked people expect to be bribed, having a “What will Jesus do for me first?” mentality before they are willing to lift a finger of obedience to His call.  Lord, help us to be a faithful people who are diligent to seek FIRST Your kingdom and Your righteousness before we expect that you will add anything to us, and to trust that we will eventually SEE what it is you have for Your people.