
Buttered Toast

“…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 1:6

God gives each one of us a mission, complete with instructions (your Bible), and sound teachers to guide you. Now what you do with that information is crucial to your success. Think of it like a stick of butter and toast. You have a knife or you can choose the fork. Which tool are you going to use in order to get the preferred results? One tool will achieve the good work laid out in front of you and the other, while yes, can get the job done, will take 10 times longer and more effort.

In this scripture, I prefer to focus on the “being confident” part. It’s like the knife in my butter analogy. I can stray from His word and sound teaching to do it my way, but that will be much harder and longer of a process. Remember, He will do His part to carry the work to completion but it is our job to stay confident and true to His instruction, under the headship of our spiritual leaders.