
Beware of Crafty Friends

But Amnon had a friend whose name was Jonadab the son of Shimeah, David’s brother. Now Jonadab was a very crafty man.

(2 Samuel 13:3, NKJV)

The phone at our house has rang in the middle of the night on multiple occasions, with a friend or church member on the other end needing advice from my husband. Oftentimes, that person is looking for him to talk them out of doing something stupid or dangerous. My husband’s response is typically, “Out of all the people you know, why did you call me in particular?” They know by his character and position as pastor what his advise will be most likely. He knows there is a part of them who doesn’t want to follow through with what they are considering which is why they chose to call someone who will talk them out of it. 

Who you turn to in a desperate situation reveals your heart!

In 2 Samual 13, one of King David’s sons, Amnon, is facing a temptation and calls on someone who is known for their craftiness for help. What does that reveal about Amnon? He is done fighting against the temptation and is looking for someone to encourage him to succumb to his fleshly desires. Amnon didn’t call on the Lord. He didn’t ask his father. He didn’t reach out to a trusted adviser. He sought out a snake of a man who helped him devise a plan to rape his own sister!

The sin doesn’t stop there, as is normally the case. The wages of sin is death, which was the result for Amnon. Sin never satisfies, it just breads more sin. Amnon’s love was replace with hatred because sin warps everything. (Read all of chapter 13 for the rest of the story of Amnon.)

Protect what and whom you love by identifying temptation early and then turning to the Lord for help along with a trusted friend who is guided by the wisdom of God. Friends who talk you into sin are not really your friends. A friend cares about you and has your best interests in mind all the time. They see past the immediate and consider your future.