
Be a Quality Example

For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate.  

2 Thessalonians 3:7-9

It is becoming increasingly clear that as Christians we need to follow Paul’s example of being an example to the world.  He is explaining to the church in Thessalonica in this passage that while a “worker is worthy of his wages” he wanted to make it abundantly clear that hard work is important and necessary, at the cost of denying assistance that would have made his life a little more comfortable.

As a Christian it is important to walk rightly before men in such a way that we are not only covered, but going above and beyond to set an example that others would find challenging but rewarding to follow.

I could come into the office right at starting time and do exactly what is asked of me, and I could leave at closing time and have no complaints from my boss.  For some, even THAT sets a good example of punctuality and diligence.  But, if I have an awareness that people in the world are always watching me, seeing what it means to be to be a bondservant to Christ what representing Him well looks like in my eyes, then I might modify my behavior to do more than is required.  I could come in early every day, be twice as productive with a smile on my face, go above and beyond in my duties, and stay after every day.  Not because it is required of me as a Christian, but it might just be necessary for a person who is trying to shine as a Christian model for others to imitate.

A person who belongs to herself only needs to be who she is.  A person who is being set apart as a model needs to be the impeccable, the truest representation of the original.  Remember that a copy of something can never be quite as clear and exacting as the original, and if someone is copying me, they are copying a copy of a copy!  For someone to imitate me, I need to be the most precise and quality copy of Jesus I can possibly be.

As a child of God, I can be just as I am.  As a fully mature model and representative of Christ, much more is required.